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Informacja o kursie w języku angielskim 2024-07-09

Szanowni Państwo,

 Jesienią br. zostanie uruchomiony na Wydziale Prawa i Administracji UJ kurs arbitrażu ICC i UJ. Jest on wspólnym przedsięwzięciem Międzynarodowej Izby Handlowej w Paryżu i jej Komitetu Krajowego w Polsce oraz Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Kurs skierowany jest przede wszystkim do młodych prawników (radców prawnych, aplikantów radcowskich), którzy chcą się zapoznać z zasadami postępowania arbitrażowego odbywającego się na podstawie "ICC Arbitration Rules of 2021". Kurs prowadzony ma być przez arbitrów wyznaczonych przez ICC.  Kurs odbywać się będzie w języku angielskim.

ICC Comprehensive Training on Arbitration Practice

at the Jagiellonian University

in Krakow, Poland 2024/2025


ICC Comprehensive Training on Arbitration Practice at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow is a joint educational project on arbitration prepared and conducted in cooperation with the Polish National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC Poland) and the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, under the patronage of the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris (ICC) offering a comprehensive and practice-oriented professional training programme tailored for junior arbitration lawyers, senior students and general practitioners aspiring to become outstanding arbitration lawyers.

The course aims to:

•          provide in-depth knowledge of arbitration as a method of resolving disputes in commercial and other matters (including investment) in international business, with particular emphasis on arbitration proceedings administered by the ICC Court of Arbitration and conducted based on the ICC Arbitration Rules of 2021;

•          develop and refine practical skills related to the management of commercial disputes in the international environment, particularly the use of arbitration as a dispute resolution method and the provision of legal assistance in activities related to arbitration proceedings, especially those conducted in accordance with the ICC Arbitration Rules of 2021.

Participants who successfully complete the course will gain in-depth knowledge of arbitration procedures and techniques necessary to provide effective legal assistance in matters related to international arbitration proceedings, especially those conducted in accordance with the ICC Arbitration Rules.

This program also offers a unique networking opportunity to establish and develop contacts with leading professionals in the field and individuals aspiring to a career in international commercial arbitration.

The course is a comprehensive, practice-oriented professional training program designed for individuals interested in arbitration, particularly those starting or developing their careers as counsel in preventing and resolving commercial and investment disputes in international business.

The intensive course is conducted over one semester through four two-day meetings held on Saturdays and Sundays at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, totaling 54 contact hours. It covers key issues regarding the organization, functioning, and role of the ICC International Court of Arbitration—a leading global arbitration institution—as well as individual stages of arbitration proceedings. Topics include the preparation and negotiation of arbitration agreements (clauses), dispute management strategies and tactics, and the arbitration procedure itself based on the ICC Arbitration Rules of 2021. This includes preparing summons to arbitration, responses to arbitration, other procedural documents, provisional protection measures (including proceedings before an emergency arbitrator), selection and appointment of arbitrators and their exclusion, activities within the organizational meeting, participation in the preparation of the mission act, activities in evidentiary proceedings and adjudication (including decisions on the costs of the proceedings), and post-arbitration proceedings.

These topics are presented primarily from the perspective of the counsel and in-house lawyer representing entities involved in business-related disputes. The course emphasizes practical classes, including workshops based on document preparation, simulations of procedural activities, group work, and analysis and resolution of practical procedural problems, conducted in the form of a mock arbitration case.

The course methodology and materials (including working documentation and assignments) are developed and regularly updated by experts from the ICC Institute of World Business Law. This ensures the highest standard of knowledge and skills, aligned with best practices in the field, and adaptation to changing trends, conditions, new phenomena (e.g., third-party funding for disputes, the impact of international conflicts and sanctions on arbitration proceedings), and the resulting market challenges and needs.
